Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Blogger - ' What If ' .....

so, I said we'd be debuting a new blog, and here it is.... It's from a person who once worked for TNA, so he knows his stuff.... Unlike, yours truly. This guy will class up the place a bit. Give it a nice feel to contrast with my crass, boorish and sophomoric blogs.... Enjoy his introductory blog and expect a blog once a week....

Here it is....

' What If ' -

Where to start? First off a quick intro. I am a Christian, so I'll try and keep it clean but a bad day at work might come out here in my writing as a way of venting. I am a 32 year old white male. Yes I said white and male, not afraid to say it. I am a conservative American that wants to see a smaller government and people doing more to help themselves and less the government forcing to me help those that refuse to help themselves. I am a married father of two and I love me wife and kids more than words and will do anything to provide and protect them. And I love wrestling!

The first few statements and the last may to some contradict but I have been a wrestling fan for as long as I can recall. I grew up watching Georgia Championship Wrestling on TBS. Ric Flair, Ronnie Garvin, Road Warriors, the Mulkeys, etc. My first wrestling memory is from about 1986. It was a double Russian chain match that pitted the Road Warriors against Ivan Koloff and some other Russian. I think it was Nikita Koloff but I don't recall now, old age getting to me. What I do recall was these four larger than life individuals beating the tar out of each other and loving every minute of it. From there I started to watch on occasion but got even further hooked watching a VHS tape(the thing before DVDs for you kids out there) of WrestleMania III. While Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant was the main draw my favorite things on the show was the British Bulldogs in six man tag team action vs the Hart Foundation and the epic Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage match for the Intercontinental Title. What finally hooked me for life was the first Clash of Champions on TBS that went head to head with WrestleMania IV. Lex Luger and Barry Windom vs Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard was great. Midnight Xpress vs Fantastics was well fantastic but it was Ric Flair vs Sting in a 45 minute draw that hooked me for life.

Since that time I have gone to more wrestling shows in my life than I should have. I have watched more wrestling on tv, the internet and by cell phone than most wrestling fans. I have sat front row as world titles changed hands and sat backstage shooting the crap with the boys in the back while history unfolded as we watched on the monitors. I have spoken in person and by phone with almost every major name in the business in my lifetime and can say I have had a blast doing it. I have seen the great side of the business and the very dark nasty side of it as well. I have been told things I could never repeat and I have seen things I could never speak of but in the end I am still a wrestling fan.

Each time I write I will take a look at what is going on in the business today and give my thoughts and opinions on it as well as take looks back into the past. My main focus will be on "WHAT IF..." storylines. Looks back at events in wrestling past and go over what might have went down had things gone differently. I will also offer up from time to time how I think things might go in the future and how to get from current events of what could be in the future. Perhaps even do a what if on my own ideas and compare.

Hopefully by now you are hooked and looking forward to my first actual column which will be coming shortly. Time to hit the lights and head to the next stop. Surving the afternoon school pickup of my oldest child. Have a great one everybody. In the words of Doug from the State.....I'm outta heeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrre!


  1. did bro get russo finally?

  2. is it true that bro was secretly loved by people inside the tna office? i know one girl loved him, but i was under the impression others did as well. anonymous blogger, any comments on this?

  3. Everyone loved the bro at TNA. Loved to hate him

  4. Bro was loved and hated in the office. Those that knew him liked him a lot. Those that didn't hated the fact he owned a keyboard and hung out with a "section" of fans that sometimes rubbed people the wrong way. Did a certain female that is no longer there like him more than others? Have to ask Bro that. Did some dislike his access to a computer? Totally
