Monday, September 27, 2010

The Bro Remembers The Fairgrounds

Nostalgia hits and I’m suddenly realizing that The Fairgrounds Sports Arena will soon be torn down and all the history of wrestlings yesteryear will be gone with it…. My grandfather and cousin and uncle all performed under that roof and it makes me a little sad realizing that sooner or later, probably sooner, the place will no longer exist….

So, with that I’m mind…. I’m putting together a list of some of MY favorite performers that I’ve seen at the Fairgrounds Sports Arena…. Keep in mind… This is my list…. So, if you don’t like it, there’s probably a bowl full of dicks, you can go eat….

With that being said…. Here’s the first installment of

“ The Bro Remembers The Fairgrounds Sports Arena “

Here we go….

1. The New South – The single greatest tag team I’ve ever seen in the Nashville area, on a local level…. Now, I couldn’t tell you if their workrate was exceptional or crappy, I’ve always left that to the internet virgins who have nothing better to do besides masturbate and critique fake wrestling matches with stars.... But, what I can tell you is the fact they were highly entertaining and almost on a weekly basis, would cause riots to break out with the fans…. They were hated and fed off of it…. They were the Nashville/Music City Wrestling version of The Dudley Boys…. I actually weep for those who love heels and never got to see these guys work….Bert Prentice made so much money off of me paying a few extra dollars to get front row seats, just to see mayhem ensue....

2. Athena – One of the rare and very few ‘ good ‘ people in the business… Plus, she was an awesome heel, when she was one…. Not really keen on the whole ‘ face ‘ side, but as a heel, there was probably not a better indy lady around…. Any person that could make Chickenhat a superstar and then have him foaming at the mouth wanting your blood on his hands, is good people…. She could work a crowd with the best of them and was a good performer in the ring as well…. It’s too bad she wasn’t really given a fair shake in TNA, because she could work circles around most of the girls on their current roster, let alone the girls they had during her time in the company….

Plus, in my wild youth days, she once saved the ‘ Bro Beef Stick ‘ ( aka my peen ) from being possibly rotted away by some lethal and condemned vagina..... So, all you ladies out there that have experienced the earth shaking feelings and the unequaled emotions of eroticism at the receiving end of the Bro Beef Stick, you have Athena to thank….. All 2 of you…… There’s no telling what would have happened to my immaculate penis had she not intervened…. Although, in my head I had this vision of it just vanishing in a plume of smoke…. SCARY STUFF!!!!!

3. The Colorado Kid Mike Rapada – I know what you’re saying…… “ Bro…. who you kidding?! You fucking hated The Colorado Kid “ ….. And you’re right, but man…. I miss the days when he was the MCW champion…. It’s all just a nostalgic factor with this guy…. A hilarious nostalgic factor…. The guy had no business wearing the title…. From his mullet to his leopard print man-panties , he was a joke….. For some time in the late 90’s I refrained from calling homosexuals, a certain nomenclature and just started referring to them as “ Colorado Kid “ ….

“ Hey look at that guy smoking penis over there, he’s a total “ Colorado Kid “ !!!!

This stuck around with my group of friends for a long time….

Mainly because we were told once that he was only champion because he let Bert suckle upon his Colorado Penis

Eh, to each their own….

I do believe this to be true, because he once beat Sabu at the fairgrounds and let’s face it…. Rapada had no business beating Sabu in ANY match…. EVER…. NEVER EVER…..

4. Dave Batista – What?! Batista wrestled at the Arena?! I know, I know….

But, he did…. Once, that I was privy to, might have been more, but remembered being at a show he was on, I think he was on loan from Cornette and OVW

I remember watching his match and being in awe…. Wondering how come we didn’t have anyone here locally that was THAT good in the ring…. And by ‘ that good ‘ I mean just his look and his power and presence….

I still, to this day, tell people that Batista farted on me and my cousin…. And he did…. On his way to the ring, he walked right past us in the front row…. And as soon as he passed I leaned over to my cousin and was like “ do you smell that?! Did he just fucking fart on us?! “ ….. My cousin looked to his side, no one was sitting beside him…. I looked to my side and Chickenhat was across the arena, so it couldn’t have been his shitty drawers , and the seats next to me were empty, so through deductive reasoning, it was apparent…. Batista fucking farted on me and my cousin….HIGH FIVE!!!!

Nowadays when I fart and the kids smell it, I immediately go “ well someone just did a Batista Bomb! “ … And they roll their eyes and start figuring out what lawyer they are going to use to denounce me as their parent in a court of law….

5. Shane Eden – It’s funny to read that he’s still working in the area… And, from what I’ve gathered, he still is playing the same character….. The attractive boy toy, who looks like he ate a metal sammich and cooks meth on his face…. Which, let’s face it, he was miscast in the late 90’s in that role of an attractive boy toy, let alone 20 years later, when he’s 40…. But the metal sammich eatin’, face meth cookin', is spot on….

I never got why the girls went crazy over the guy…. He wore airbrushed jorts in the ring and did some crazy epileptic seizure dance that was supposed to be erotic, but more resembled a turkey in the throes of deaths clutch…..

BUT! He was the epitome of mid to late 90’s wrestling at the fairgrounds….

I now go to wrestling and look at all the mongoloid babies in attendance and think to myself “ whats the percentage that over 40 percent of these are Shane Eden’s?! “ …. Because, there were a ton of underage ring rats, with obviously no standards back in the day, who would have loved a chance for a trip into Eden…. While I just sat back, shrugged and shook my head going “ but….. he wears airbrushed jorts!!!! “

The more I think about this, the more hilarious it becomes, because I’m pretty sure I’m getting “ airbrushed “ confused for ‘ magic markers ‘ ….. Yep, pretty certain that was the case…..

I’ll be adding another volume to this one… If you have any suggestions of certain wrestlers let me know.


  1. Who made Chicken Hat a star, Athena or Bro?

  2. Athena gave him the name and made him a semi-celebrity in Nashville. Bro, exploited him and made him a star on his blog and National level.

  3. cant wait for the next one bro

  4. I miss the laugh I got weekly from Chicken Hat and I miss the behave brilliance of Athena

  5. And that my friends is why you preview what you type.

  6. Can you remind me who made up the team of the New South? Was Ashley Hudson one?

    Shane hilarious. I made my female cousin go to a show (who is a non-wrestling fan) and she too was smitten with Stylin' Shane... until she saw his grill.

  7. ashley hudson & kory williams -- the New South
